The price for being a Christian.... in Indonesia...and soon to be Malaysia (allegedly reported in the local daily news yesterday and today.)
Death for abandoning (lapsing) Muslims and for Christians who preach in Malay.
Indonesia. An Islamic democracy. Is Islam compatible with democracy? These pictures were forwarded to me from a friend who knows a Christian in Indonesia......I cannot reveal too much or I will jeopardize the lives of those that smuggled these pics out. I am running them beneath the fold as they are too graphic to run on the main page. I am running them so the world will know and see that Indonesians are NOT the friend of anyone who is not Muslim.
Indonesian Islamist Terror Threatens Bush Visit China Confidential
There are graphic pictures should you click on the link on the bottom of this post (the link that says "click to continue"), consider yourself warned.
UPDATE: I will have more details on these pics shortly. There is enormous fear in those I communicate with. Will post soon.
UPDATE: Malkin has assassination mania in Indonesia here. The jihadis are apoplectic in Indonesia. (Hat tip: Shawn Wasson, who has more Bush-deranged photos.)
Security is tight and President Bush's visit is expected to last six hours tomorrow. I will be praying for his safety.
UPDATE November 20: These pictures are from the late nineties early zeros. There is more background on them here. They are horrible proof of the torture and oppression Christians suffer at the hands of Muslims in Indonesia. Whether it was yesterday or six years ago, the brutality, the horror is the same. It is happening as we speak. This latest beheading in Indonesia was just last week here. So while these pictures are from a few years ago, the practice continues apace.
Beheaded girls were Ramadan 'trophies' The Australian
November 9 2006
THREE Christian high school girls were beheaded as a Ramadan "trophy" by Indonesian militants who conceived the idea after a visit to Philippines jihadists, a court heard yesterday.
The girls' severed heads were dumped in plastic bags in their village in Indonesia's strife-torn Central Sulawesi province, along with a handwritten note threatening more such attacks.
The note read: "Wanted: 100 more Christian heads, teenaged or adult, male or female; blood shall be answered with blood, soul with soul, head with head."
And it continues, just this past September, Indonesian Catholics were put to death by firing squad amid doubts of guilt.
And last September , three Christian girls were beheaded walking home from school here (warning GRAPHIC PICTURES.) September 2005
A terrible crime has been committed in Poso, in Central Sulawasi, Indonesia, which for several years has seen sectarian violence against the Christian minority. Thugs have beheaded 3 Christian 16 year old girls walking back from school. This Voice of America report tells how the anti-Christian violence has attracted Islamic militants to Sulawasi. GRAPHIC PICTURES WARNING
More here. So what follows are photos from the late 1990s before the US went into Afghanistan and Iraq. Here we have Christian girls beheaded in Indonesia late last year. And here we have more Christian girls beheaded last week with the promise of more. It's the jihad.
The girls' severed heads were dumped in plastic bags in their village in Indonesia's strife-torn Central Sulawesi province, along with a handwritten note threatening more such attacks.
The note read: "Wanted: 100 more Christian heads, teenaged or adult, male or female; blood shall be answered with blood, soul with soul, head with head." More here
These pictures depict the cruel, oppressive existence that non Muslims live under in Islamic countries. No matter how the left twists and squirms to rationalize, this is the ugly truth. And the barbarism continues before the US intervened and after.
UPDATE: Bush's Blood Halal Indonesia Matters
Habib Rizieq of the Islam Defenders’ Front says it is religiously permissible to murder George Bush.
During a speech given to a large crowd protesting against the upcoming visit by George Bush to Indonesia Habib Rizieq said at Jakarta on Sunday 19th November:
Bush can be killed by anyone who has the chance to kill him. It’s not just that it is permissible to kill him, he must be killed. I am prepared to be responsible for [saying] this in the hereafter.
(Bush halal dibunuh bagi siapa saja yang punya kesempatan untuk membunuhnya. Bush bukan saja boleh dibunuh tapi wajib dibunuh. Saya bertanggung jawab dunia akhirat.)
Upon saying these words Habib, who is the leader of the Front Pembela Islam (FPI), a radical Islamic group, was greeted with cries of “Allahu Akbar” (God is great) from the tens of thousands of people present at the demonstration outside the Istana Merdeka palace.
Habib said that Bush could legitimately be murdered because he has committed crimes against humanity, not because he is of a different religion and race. More blood-curdling cries of “Allahu Akbar” ensued. [1]
sungguh mengerikan sekali tak tega aku melihatnya
Yah, itu namanya fitnah..
Jelas2 yang pake ikat kepala merah adalah pasukan Kristen, gmn sih? Kok jadi dibalik? Kepala2 itu adalah korban di pihak muslim, yang pegang pedang & berikat kepala merah itu orang KRISTEN!!! Ngerti ga?
ituu fitnahh !!
the people who ware RED HEADBAND are the christians..not moslems .
islam is a way of life ,peacefull way . MARK MY WORDS
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