
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

raqi official: I'll quit if sons freed

Why perform acts of terror? Because they work. Just ask Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. Non-jihadists in Iraq, having cooperated with the Americans, continue to be targeted. From Al-Jazeera, with thanks to Nicolei:

The governor of Iraq's Anbar province says he will happily resign if captors release three of his sons, snatched from their home by armed men.

"I am ready to give in to your demands, and if you believe my presence in the (provincial capital) city (Ramadi) does not serve the interests of the region, I am ready to go," said Abd Al-Karim Bargis in an open letter to the province on Saturday.

Bargis defended his period of office in the vast province on the border with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, saying he had arranged convoys of food and medicine for residents in Falluja when the city was besieged by US troops in April.

On Wednesday, his sons, aged 15 to 30, were snatched by armed men who barged into and torched his family home in Ramadi while he was at work.

Posted by Robert at August 1, 2004 7:34 AM
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A new discussion forum by a female ex-Muslim:
Posted by: Ali Dashti [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 1, 2004 11:26 AM

Ramadi is next. I have first hand info that Fallujah is getting the shit kicked out of it right now every single day and night. No reporters allowed, so the press has limited coverage of it. After 2 months of dysinfo regarding the "fragility" of Ramadi and the "dangers" of Fallujah, the terrorists went for the bait and set up their little bomb factories in the 2 cities, attracting all kinds of bad guys who thought they had a good sanctuary. The are now assembled. Ramdi is next.
Posted by: Killshot [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 1, 2004 12:01 PM

God, I hope that is true. It would be a worthy strategy and makes complete sense.
Posted by: Foehammer [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 1, 2004 12:16 PM



I wasn't sure where to post this, but I'm still getting Trojan horse attempts from the Anti-jihad forum site. You might want to stop directing people there until they have the problem solved.

Did they respond to your post advising them of the problem? I went a few times with no problem so I think that this is a NEW Trojan horse infection. You might want to let them know.
Posted by: CGW [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 1, 2004 12:44 PM

The Thing might have to be rebuilt from the ground up.?
Fortunately members... "Sally?" are backing up and saving all forums.
Perhaps to Dump it and start anew With Saved forum is the way?.
The Popups are suspect.
Perhaps just a whole different set of popups would suffice.
Web page building is not a pursuit,So ignorance,and guesses is all we can offer.

Anti-jihad forum site is very valuable, in our humble opinion
Posted by: AvrageJoe [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 1, 2004 1:01 PM has a free forum setup.

maybe it can be of service
Posted by: forrestshalom [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 1, 2004 4:08 PM

Killshot, I sure hope your intel is 100% accurate. It would make my day if that were true. I became clinically depressed after the Marines were told to stand down when they had almost solved the Fallujah problem.

Ramadi is next? Please, please, PLEASE make it so!

How about that al-Sadr guy? Any news on his soon-to-be demise?

And all this nastiness now threatening New York, New Jersey, and Washington, DC--Oh,boy, I sure do hope we have some effective followup plans for this one. Anybody have anything on that? Bob Owens? DC Watson? Nathan?

Maybe we could START by closing the borders with Mexico until we get them under control. That Pakistani woman can't be the only one who took advantage of that. Gotta do the same with the Canadian border, too. Sorry about that, Canada--I wish more than just about anything things were different with you guys. All this moaning and groaning about "Oh, we can't do anything about the borders, they're too long!" is just a bunch of BS. Hell, if we don't have adequate surveillance technology ourselves, outsource the job to the Israelis!
Posted by: cubed [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 1, 2004 4:46 PM

Hope Reza is reading how brave Muslim warrior deserts his post faster than Fillipinos. Bargis
has certainly BARGED OUT!
Posted by: Morgane [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 1, 2004 7:08 PM


I'm Canadian and I totally agree that our limp-wristed Liberals don't know or even care about the threat to the USA.
The Liberals were so worried about offending Muslim in Canada after the 9/11 attack that killed 25 Canadians(one from my work that was on the 105th floor waiting to see a client) among the total,it took over a year to erect a memorial to our victims. The plaque was hidden in a restricted area of Parliament for MP's to relax and read from books supplied on the shelves.
I tried to report a local immigrant and refugee welcoming centre that smuggled people into the USA and housed some near me by bring them from the airport at night and rushing them inside under the cloak of darkness. I noticed the cars having U.S. plates and a couple of the drivers avoided eye contact with me,the RCMP office had a 1-800 # but insisted nothing was illegal and lots of people drive at night.
After that call I contacted the FBI office in Niagara Falls since they surely cared about USA
plates on cars re-entering the Country.My Government is going to get me killed by their P.C. mindset,but I did record the plate I.D. of a car from OHIO being driven by a Arab looking male in a dark 2 door Honda or older Toyota.
The last month or so I've seen two cars with Florida plates,nobody I know would drive from Florida to Toronto when our weather is crap.
Jihad Watch has had stories of Florida Mosques
and a story about a Muslim cleric from a Mosque in OHIO,odd how both state plates appear on cars in my area. Trust me,we don't really get a summer,it's more like a extended fall with no snow. Oh,some cars also had N.Y. and New Jursey
plates,these weren't innocent tourists visiting a cold and windy city for the fun of it.
Posted by: ala-sux [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 2, 2004 4:11 AM

Thanks CGW.

I'll let them know about this new one.
Posted by: Voltaire [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 2, 2004 6:23 AM

I've let them know, CGW.

I hope that they'll fix up the problem.

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