They were walking to school. "Three Indonesian girls beheaded," from the BBC News, with thanks to all who sent this in:
Three girls have been beheaded and another badly injured as they walked to a Christian school in Indonesia.
They were walking through a cocoa plantation near the city of Poso in central Sulawesi province when they were attacked.
This is an area that has a long history of religious violence between Muslims and Christians....
Police say the heads were found some distance from the bodies.
It is unclear what was behind the attack, but the girls attended a private Christian school and one of the heads was left outside a church leading to speculation that it might have had a religious motive.
A religious motive? When Muslims behead Christian schoolgirls in a country where Islamic jihadists have declared their intention of establishing a Caliphate Sharia state? What are you, some kind of Islamophobe?
Posted by Robert at October 29, 2005 7:40 AM
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Religion of peace.
Posted by: leavingtheleft [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 8:17 AM
Look for Tim Russert and Bill O'Reilly to do extensive pieces on "edge nation" Jihad war and how its aim is to coerce conversions.
And I'm sure that an upset Oprah will denounce George W, Condi, and Tony for their Religion of Peace prattle.
The breakthrough is near, at long last.
Posted by: Chaz MarteL 732 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 8:20 AM
Just when you thought you couldn't be shocked by the "Religion of Peace" ....
What next? Three-year-olds beheaded on their way to Kindergarten?
Posted by: 1630r [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 8:26 AM
Only pure evil can do this.
No political correctness or
psychobabble can explain this.
Anyone who doesn't believe that
evil exists is a "fool".
Which generally means liberals who believe
life is a conflict between the rich and the poor
while sane people believe it is a conflict between good and evil.
Posted by: learjet0450 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 8:52 AM
Ahh, cultural diversity and tolerance at its finest expression. If only we would stop humiliating these people and start tolerating their little cultural quirks, religious expression like this would stop. It's all our fault you know -- just ask them. The solution is easy, just stop being Christian, Jewish, Pagan, Hindu, whathaveyou, and join up with the Religion of Peace -- or else.
There's the message of the ROP in a nutshell -- OR ELSE, and that is not a radical message, that is the fundamental message, and the method of punishment for failure to obey is proscribed. Here's the grisly evidence to prove it, beheaded teenagers! Nice work Islam.
Meanwhile the apologists, lackeys and dhimmis have their silent butlers ready to sweep this away from the collective memory. Afterall, that was perverted Indonesian Islam, not the real Arabic stuff....riiiight.
Posted by: QuickHenryTheFlit [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 9:07 AM
What a terrible, terrible, shame.
And the massmedia continues in blinkers about the hate and evil out there.
Posted by: dgene [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 9:38 AM
BBC News reports, "It is unclear what was behind the attack." Let's see....well, it is Ramadan. Maybe the school girls were eating some cookies as they walked to school and the poor, emaciated and enflamed Muslims, mad with hunger and fasting, wanted the cookies and, uh, sort of got carried away. Yes, that must be it. The same motive, starvation from two meals a day instad of three, must be why those Buddhist monks were murdered last week in Thailand. Hunger pangs suffered by usually well-behaved Muslims must have been the reason that the Coptic nun was slashed in Egypt, along with the hundred of other attacks that are taking place there. And, of course, the president of Iran didn't really mean that he wanted to wipe Israel and all of the Jews off the face of the earth. It was just his low blood sugar that made him say those things. Yes, of course. Besides, the followers of the religion of peace are always the victims. Shame on those girls, for whatever they did to force the Muslims to behead them. Happy Ramadan.....
Posted by: maryrose [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 9:43 AM
So many people will continue to sweep the Islamic verses that encourage barbarism under the carpet so as to not offend Muslims. Yes, owning up to the fact that there are Islamic verses that encourage barbarism could go a significant way to stopping the massive atrocities against mankind we see today. But no, let us all be reminded at every stage by the media and our leaders at every level of society to do exactly the opposite. Being soooo P.C/nice is more important. Niceties/P.C. at the expense of children having their heads hacked off? What the @#$%^ is that. Child sacrifice.
Posted by: ashlee72 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 9:48 AM
Not surprised. A cautionary example of why I don't want Muslims among us. Peer pressure to toe the extremist line increases with expanding numbers. Barbarity, intolerance and intimidation are handmaidens used to cow non-Muslims and the milder-mannered Muslims into compliance. This patterned has been repeated millions of times. The veracity of this analysis is demonstrated in the lessons of history and in contemporary events happening all over the Muslim world and in areas of Muslim expansion.
Posted by: epg [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 10:17 AM
I stopped reading various 'left' news sources like the Beeb, CNN, etc., but wasn't really surprised that the "fair and balanced news" network FOX missed the real story of ISLAMIC terror and horror. Like the Beeb, FOX ssemed to think it was a long standing problem between Christians and moslems. Well I guess that a 10% investment really pays off. How sad....
Posted by: GA_boy [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 10:22 AM
Any evidence of rape? Ole Mohammed liked the young stuff, and that's in the Sunnah.
Posted by: Chaz MarteL 732 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 10:41 AM
Just when you thought you couldn't be shocked by the "Religion of Peace" ....
What next? Three-year-olds beheaded on their way to Kindergarten?
Posted by: 1630r
They've already done that, Shiva posted a link the other day that had pictures of little kids who had been beheaded. KT, ia, do you have anything to say? Oh yeah, we're not good people.
Posted by: Carolyn2 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 10:50 AM
It is unclear what was behind the attack, but the girls attended a private Christian school and one of the heads was left outside a church leading to speculation that it might have had a religious motive.
That has to be one of the weakest things I have ever read, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a's a $#@* duck.
Posted by: Carolyn2 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 10:55 AM
This would have,(at any other time in our history as conscious beings) been unacceptable behaviour...with the commonly understood knowledge of good and evil being the basis for justice. But we (as conscious beings) have rejected the truth of good and evil...we have said "I will determine good and evil for myself"...and we will continue to see evil attack good while we wring our hands and puff our chests, and keep buying coffe and textiles from Sulawesi because they're cheap, and we like the flavor...and their environment is so different from ours'...I don't have the right...blah, blah, blah...Lift up your heads!
Posted by: Ed [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 11:08 AM
I wander if Vatican made any comments.
Posted by: pong [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 12:58 PM
Three girls beheaded in Indonesia, 50 dead in New Delhi, 20 more killed by car bomb in Iraq -- quite a rich harvest of 73 innocent souls for the death cult today!
I wonder what the death toll for all of Bombadan has been so far this year? Quite fruitful it seems to me.
At Christmas in Christian countries, people go out of their way to do small kindnesses for each other.
During Bombadan, Muslims go out of their way to kill other people.
What a great culture, we have so much to learn from them.
Posted by: Suzan [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 1:06 PM
Fox News is indulging in factual dishonesty.
There IS a long standing problem between Muslims and Christians.
Now, if they could just muster the courage to state, for their audience, what that problem is.
Posted by: PRCS [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 1:47 PM
Bombadan ain't over yet. Eid is party time for killing in the way of Allah.
I have a feeling European churches and cathedrals will blown-up for Allah this Christmas.
Posted by: 1630r [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 1:58 PM
Although rarely reported, I think that's always a given with these muslim savages. They emulate the "perfect man", for whom any form of depravity that could be imagined was gleefully partaken in.
Posted by: Infidel33 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 2:06 PM
"What next? Three-year-olds beheaded on their way to Kindergarten?"
Shocked that we are shocked... It happened in Beslan -- 13 months ago....
Posted by: jsla [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 2:11 PM
The bleeding hearts of the West cares nothing for the suffering of these poor childen and their unfortunate families, their time
is consumed with compassion for those throughout the Islamic world, who, at least in their minds are the true victims of the West. Much of the blame for atrocities such as these, lays squarely
at the feet of an incompetent society, our own. For it is the West that props up many of the failing Islamic countries with aid {jizya?},
take the aid away and their countries will implode.
The double-speak and incompetence from the White House relating to Islam is staggering of late, worse than usual. All of our enemies in this global struggle against the Jihadis are now being constantly being listed as our “Allies in the war on terrorism’’, Saudi Arabia
Indonesia, Pakistan etc…. To understand why murders like this are on the rise, look to the very same weak people that we are forever voting into power. Why is it that to take a stand against pure evil, is now viewed as taboo in the 21st Century? Political correctness has turned Western Society into the enabler for
the daily murder of the innocent.
Posted by: sul3j [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 2:12 PM
When I said "Shocked that we are shocked" it doesn't mean we shouldn't be OUTRAGED -- I am also shocked that I personally am shocked that we don't ACT... My jaw drops with every new Muslim transgression, anywhere in the world, that we still sit and pretend that Islam is OK, or that we can bring these people around somehow --
ACTION is required -- shut down the indoctrination centers in "infidel" territories... Just until we sort this thing out -- for the sake of our children -- it's the least we can do...
And by "indoctrination centers" -- of course I mean MOSQUES and MADRASSA --
Just until we clear this thing up... Just until we fully grasp whether they form a mortal threat, or whether they come in peace...
It doesn't look like they come in peace, now, does it???
Posted by: jsla [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 2:17 PM
They aren´t people, they are monsters, islam is a death cult
Posted by: Franze [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 2:21 PM
RE: Why is it that to take a stand against pure evil, is now viewed as taboo in the 21st Century? Political correctness has turned Western Society into the enabler for the daily murder of the innocent.
The secularists and humanists have the upper hand in the media, movies, etc.
When religious individuals speak about "evil", they are vilified and called right wing nuts.
They are also called "unintelligent". That is elitist as hell. I have several degrees and consider the secularists and humanist as the ignorant ones!!
"Some truths are self-evident", gee, that rings a bell!!
Posted by: learjet0450 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 2:25 PM
The more I read of these barbaric atrocities, the more I wonder where is the strength the West and its infidel allies must have to defeat it.
Blair, Bush et al keep mumbling about the ROP, yet these tragedies continue, unabated.
I wish they would draw a comparison to the British defeat of the Thugee cult in India. This would seem to be a perfect analogy. Why does no one else see this?
Posted by: jhl952 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 3:20 PM
No howls or outrage from ia786 or KingTolerance? I'm not surprised. I suggest that everyone who is repulsed, shocked and saddened by this Muslim atrocity protest it by sending their local mosque or madrassa a strip of bacon in unmarked post. Maybe they'll begin to get the idea.
Posted by: Bohemond_1069 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 3:27 PM
Posted by: shiva [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 3:40 PM
The BBC makes no mention that the little girls were abused, in the manner that the children of Beslan were.
You cant have innocent kaffir children getting into paradise. That is unthinkable.
Posted by: DP111 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 6:18 PM
Terrific post. Its a blood sugar thing for sure.
It is unclear what was behind the attack, but the girls attended a private Christian school and one of the heads was left outside a church leading to speculation that it might have had a religious motive.
Unclear eh? No religious motive? Wow!
This is the country, that we in the Christian West, gave billions in the aftermath of the tsunami.
I warned at the time that this charity would indicate to the islamic world, and Indonesian fanatics in particular, that we were weak. Our charity was a sign to them that allah had made us weak, and we were begging for mercy, and our charity was a measure of the tribute that we humbly offered.
Read the article and note the way the BBC makes excuses for muslims. There has been no Muslim-Christian fighting. Muslims, and heavily armed Jihadis pouring in from outside, have been killing and ethnic cleansing Christians from a Christian majority island. You would not guess that though from reading the BBC article.
Posted by: DP111 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 6:21 PM
Shiva's post to the Finnish link comes to mind.
This is what beheadings of children look like. I wish these was shown to Pres Bush and PM Blair before they had parted us of our hard earned money and given it to Indonesia.
Posted by: DP111 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 7:14 PM
The BBC may be "unclear" about motives, but it lets on more about what it does suspect and about the reasons for the "bitter fighting between Muslims and Christians"....
The fighting four years ago drew Islamic militants from all over Indonesia and many have never gone home.
Can you say "occupation"?
Analysts say the militants have targeted central Sulawesi and believe that it could be turned into the foundation stone of an Islamic state.
Sounds like we know who started it and why.
My heart and prayers go out to the families of these poor girls.
The whole world is watching.
Posted by: yadayada [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 7:27 PM
RE: Everything..
The Christian Church and the west has to remember that charity starts at home, while we have cues of patients waiting and dying for help.. we are sending millions of dollars.. im not saying that the sending money off is a bad thing.. but charity starts at home people! I think the church would do greatly (using example of early church)to get back into the public health sector... do what the Church is meant to do best with the Lords blessing. As far as Jihad is concerned.. it be nice to see a pope with balls start to confront the issue.. if they make religious war then it has to be defended on both sides ! you cant just sit back and let people die and pretend its another countries problem. How bout some old fashioned Crusade mindset. A lot of people have been blinded from the very Islamic piss and moaning whinging about the Crusades (that actually saved many innocent people lives until mr ottoman rolled it on back etc etc), and a general sense of fence sitting an irreligiosity. Any way with our piss weak birth rate and multicultural/*specifically multireligious immigration the west and all it had stood for, for so long will be bred out. Islam is the fastest growing religion cause you die if you are an infidel who doesnt agree with slavery and second islam is the baby booming epicentre of the world.
So i guess you don't know what u got till its gone, and if its left to late there may not be anyone left who knows what to fight for anyway. the actual denouncing of such religious doctrines that are treasonous murderous inciteful of conflict and hate (which is technically illegal in the west anyway ie. nazis)- needs to be taken seriously and enforced with the koran earmarked right next to mein kampf. And before you say the Christians had the same babaric behaviour in the dark ages maybe you should remember that those people werent allowed to read scripture in that time, only the priest hood could leaving the populations very misdirected in terms of beliefs and values...couple with a paranoid and corrupt priesthood at that time. Whereas in Islam those teaches are featured in that scripture as per what is shown on this site and many others. anyway thats me venting my frustration Ciao aufweidersein goodbye
Posted by: Sir Robbolot [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 10:37 PM
I am saddened but no longer shocked. When I hear of something like this, all I think is that Muslims are just being Muslims.
Posted by: jay [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 11:02 PM
ia786 and KT deny there are evil phrases in the koran. satanic verses which they say we should respect.
Posted by: leavingtheleft [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 11:46 PM
I'm begging you jihadwatch posters to go over to the Examined Life philosophy discussion forum and take a stab at refuting some of the intelligent, well-educated Westerners who are outnumbering me by 10 to 1. They keep saying things like this:
"The million odd Muslims who live in Britain are perfectly law-abiding citizens who have never done anyone any harm - they just happen to have some religious beliefs different from you. And you would force them all to leave the country, just because you have the utterly ludicrous idea that this would somehow be a constructive approach to the problem of terrorism.
A pretty outrageous violation of human rights, wouldn't you say? You ought to be thoroughly ashamed of yourself."
Why is it important? Because those Examined Life posters are representative of the majority in the West, and you guys are still the minority. HELP!
Go to:
(click on "Last Day" from the tree on the left)
Posted by: Dr. Pepper [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 29, 2005 11:48 PM
I failed at sublety.... I was implying that perhaps the 10% the Saudi prince bought into FOX was having its desired effect. How much of our 5th column has these saudi invstments? How many of our government agencies have similar investments? Has anybody been able to determine Saudia Arabia's financial influence on the USA?
I see know where Prince Charles is coming here to teach our leaders the benefits of ISLAM --- without the beheadings et al.
Posted by: GA_boy [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 30, 2005 1:33 AM
The Western world has become a-moral, non judgemantal, politically correct liars.
Why, how can "I" judge what is right and wrong -- who am I to say or judge? I'm just me. In the multi-cultural multi-ethnic diverse world I'm just me. If someone wants to smoke dope, steal, drop out, have sex with children or pets, have an abortion, cheat his employer or de-fraud a stranger, I have no right to judge do I? I'm not perfect.
Someone may have a need I don't know about or they may have had a bad childhood or they may come from a culture where things we have a law against are legal. So it's best to you know, be a-moral, er, I mean non judgemental. How can we get along if we judge each other or condemn eachother for bad behaviour? That's reserved for Israel..
Peace brother!
Posted by: Kemaste [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 30, 2005 1:51 AM
Look, it has to be said. There’s no getting around it, and in fact, being aware of it only helps to put everything in proper perspective: Islam is a bastard religion.
I don't mean this in a pejorative sense; I mean it in the primary dictionary sense. Islam tracks its lineage from the birth of a child of unmarried parents.
Posted by: leavingtheleft [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 30, 2005 6:58 AM
Posted by: leavingtheleft [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 30, 2005 7:29 AM
Thanx for link
added pix to thread
Posted by: shiva [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 30, 2005 11:56 AM
I wander if Vatican made any comments.
Posted by: pong at October 29, 2005 12:58 PM
Pope mourns "barbaric" beheadings in Indonesia
30 Oct 2005 13:06:37 GMT
Source: Reuters
VATICAN CITY, Oct 30 (Reuters) - Pope Benedict offered his deepest sympathies on Sunday to the families of three Christian girls beheaded in Indonesia as they walked to school near a Muslim town.
The Vatican called Saturday's killings "barbaric" and said in a statement that the Pope would pray for "the return of peace among the people" of the region, long plagued by sectarian violence.
Six machete-wielding men dressed in black attacked the 16 to 19-year-old students near the Muslim town of Poso on Saturday, leaving the girls' headless bodies, dressed in brown uniforms, at the site of the killings.
Their heads were found at separate locations two hours later by residents.
"The Holy Father entrusted the Bishop of Manado, Mons. Joseph Theodorus Suwatan, to relay to the victims' families and the diocese his deepest condolences," the Vatican said in a statement.
Muslim-Christian clashes in the Poso area killed 2,000 people from 1998 through 2001, when a peace deal was agreed.
While the worst violence abated after the deal, there have been sporadic outbreaks since. Bombings in May in the Christian town of Tentena killed 22 people.
About 85 percent of Indonesia's 220 million people are Muslim
And it goes out in aciprensa, zenit and others. Three sisters of my faith have died, now they are saints and martyrs, now they´re in heaven.
Posted by: Franze [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 30, 2005 4:57 PM
The place has a long history of violence btwn Muslims and Christians. Anyone want to bet that it got started by the Muslims? I'm only saying that because it seems that wherever and whenever Islam shows up, the blood starts flowing. I could be wrong.
So the Christians on Sulawesi fight back. According to some I've discussed this with, this makes the Christians just as bad, just as fanatical. I suppose the Christians are supposed to just accept the Muslim violence and not do anything in retaliation. Just keep turning the other cheek. Or they're viewed as equally guilty.
I feel so bad for Christians in Indonesia. They must feel totally defenceless, as their govt looks the other way, spending more time hounding people with drugs than people slaughtering in the name of Islam. So I don't blame them if they do hit back. That's what happens when your govt doesn't stand up for you.
Posted by: feralee [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 30, 2005 9:00 PM
If you would like to find out more about the cult Islam directly from those who were once Muslims, go to
It is run and authored by ex-Muslims from all over the world and gives 1st hand insight into the cult of Islam. It is one of the best sites to combat this insidious evil that I have found. Of particular interest is Ali Sini who has a talent for debate, sticking to the subject and not letting Muslim threats or red herrings get him off track. I have learned much about Islam, what the Koran really says and how Muslims use deceit, terror and other methods to gain their means. Definitely worth looking at and if you find it as worthy, I urge you to pass this along to all you know as I agree with you that America and the rest of the world does not understand the threat they face. Thanks, Avidreader
Posted by: Avidreader [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 30, 2005 10:58 PM
The article said...This is an area that has a long history of religious violence between Muslims and Christians....
I am sick and tired of reading that violence between Muslims and Christians,, the violence is generally Muslims slaughtering Christians and the few Christians that there are, are trying to protect themselves, even though they only have sticks and stones...
then Dr. Pepper says, "The million odd Muslims who live in Britain are perfectly law-abiding citizens who have never done anyone any harm - they just happen to have some religious beliefs different from you. Unfortunately Dr, the Quran is their guide, so perhaps you should read their own leaders life of crime, hatred, plundering, slaughter, taking of slaves, some for sex..once you have read what Muslims are to do for their Allah when the time is right and when they are called and when their numbers have grown to a sufficient number in the land that they adopt, then you will understand why all these people are scared. In history so called Christians have done shameful things, but from Moses time, if they followed what was written, there would have been no wars, and we are told to love our enemy not slaughter them...and by the way, Allah, (although spelt slightly different but pronounced the same) was one of Mohammad's great, great, great grandfathers (who also started a religious scam), gods, and Mohammad chose him because he was the god of agriculture, WAR and the SWORD... Now why would a peaceful man choose a god who was of war...
Posted by: Gaye [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 1, 2005 6:51 AM
We know that islam is an absolute evil. We also know what this absolute evil teaches. We also know there can be no moderate follower of islam if they are truly muslim - islam is not a religion of peace as their own koran teaches. What I can not understand, while all knows this, is why we let them into our countries and are told to be understanding and tolerant of muslims when if given the chance they would never allow the same consideration to anyone who is not muslim or be willing to convert. I will say it if everyone else is afraid to - Deport them all and close our borders to all muslims. Harsh measures is needed to a harsh barbaric people.
Posted by: kashka [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 1, 2005 6:08 PM
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