
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Can 20 Million Indonesians Possibly Be Wrong?

Michelle Malkin.

Atlas Shrugged with some very graphic (SERIOUS CONTENT WARNING) of the Religion of Beheading and/or Peace as practiced in Indonesia. She says the pictures were smuggled out of the country to her.

There are those who shriek in high dudgeon when it's suggested that, at some point, it may be necessary to kill off an awful lot of the Islamic world to secure our own lives. It's unthinkable, at least to them.

Not to me. It's not a move I yearn for us to take, but rational people have to accept the possibility that if peaceful coexistance is not possible, than the only two alternatives are unending war or a war that ends quickly because one side is so decimated by casualties they can no longer make war.

Again, I don't yearn for this. But if anyone looks at the pictures of the barbarity proudly displayed here -- barbarity which garners support from at least 20% of the Islamic world -- and tells me that we should just not even contemplate the grim choices we will have in the future, I say to them: Fuck off. I'm living in the real world. If it's too nasty for you, shriek at the world, not at me.

I think what a lot of these people mean, but won't say, is that it's actually about time to consider giving Israel to the Muslims, and let them wipe out most of the Jews. Not because they're anti-semitic, but because they figure it's better to have 10 million lives snuffed out than perhaps 100 million or more.

I'm not terribly sure about that. If eight thugs have to be shot and killed to save the life of innocent victim, we don't just crunch the raw numbers and say that fewer will die if we let the thugs murder the victim. There is the little problem of morality, and who, exactly, is bringing violence into the situation.

Furthermore, the notion that these people will stop after Israel is laughable.

Those who refuse to consider what we may have to do in the future to save our own lives are simply being childish. They don't wish to think about such a thing, therefore anyone who does is a "bloodthirsty eliminationist racist."

During the Cold War, we had nuclear strategists thinking about possible all-out nuclear war with Russia day in, day out. That didn't make them "anti-Russian bigots." It just meant that, unlike most, they were clearheaded enough to think about extremely unpleasant possibilities.

Thanks for the tip to Malkin and Atlas Shrugged to Birkel.

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